Monday, November 29, 2010

Miss Jeonna

She is the most photogenic little girl ever! She was so easy to photograph and knew how to pose. I loved the setting that these photos were taken in. They turned out so good!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Random shots

A few random shots that are from various shoots and playing around that i have done.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My handsome little man,Jaycob.

This past afternoon i convinced my oldest son to be my model. I got loads of amazing photos. These are just a few other them. I LOVE HIM!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

So you think you are a "Professional" Photographer?

I came across these videos through a Professional Photographers Facebook page. They are so accurate, i see TONS of people claiming to be a "Professional" on Facebook,when really they are not. I dont consider myself a "Professional",just because i have a DSLR camera and Photoshop and have done a handful of sessions. Please take a few minutes and watch a few of these. : )
Photography Videos to make you laugh...or cry : )

Sunday, November 14, 2010


What a cutie he is with his squishy faces he was making!

Miss Tara Mae

Yesterday i had Tara model for me while she was at my house for her sisters baby shower/welcoming party. She is only 13!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Just a few of my youngest son, Bryce.

I have always,ever since he has learned to walk, had difficulty getting decent pictures of Bryce, today i attempted  to take his photos in hopes that i would get at least one or two really good ones...Here is the results plus a before and after photo of one of the shots. Its amazing how you can turn a really bland photo into a really awesome photo WHEN you know how to use your Photoshop ; ) .

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bokeh textures THAT I MADE!!!!!

Im so happy and proud of myself of these! They turned out REALLY cool! These were made by taking out of focus pictures with my 50 mm Nikkor lens of my Christmas tree. You may use these if you like, all i ask is that you give me credit in some way.

This is an example photo using the 4th Bokeh texture.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


After almost  month of waiting for my camera to be repaired after malfunctioning on me,i finally got her back,and i am oh so happy! I am back in business and ready to get back into the swing of things and take some pictures! If you do not know what type of camera and lenses  i use, here is a description : Nikon D5000 with a 18-55mm Nikkor lens, and a 55 mm 1.8 Nikkor lens. None of my equipment are cheap generic brands and it shows in the quality of the photos. I may not have the most expensive camera or lens,but i am completely satisfied with what i have and dont feel its necessary  to have a $5000 camera to take awesome photos, its not all about the camera,more on the photographer themselves. Anywho, Yay for getting my camera back! here is a photo i took of my son Jaycob with it as soon as i got it out of the packing box. Also if you havent already, please check me out of Facebook by adding my Page a your friend.